12 September 2023
Before the Check In
The landlord should ensure the tenants have signed the tenancy agreement and funds must be cleared prior to checking in. On the day the tenancy begins, tenants must have access to the property and all necessary documents.
If a tenant brings either the rent or deposit in cash, rather than paying directly to the bank account, they must also be issued with a receipt.
Each tenant should receive a full working set of keys; the details of which should be included in the inventory. They may be photocopied as a visual record.
Check In and Inventory
It is best practice to arrange for the tenant to be checked into the property, walked around it and to agree the contents of the inventory (which documents all movable items and fixtures and fittings) and schedule of condition (which relates to the physical fabric of the property). The tenant may be given the inventory to check through, sign and return themselves within a specified timeframe. The landlord should be retain a copy of both, with a copy of the check in report.
Tenant Information Sheet / Pack
This contains details of who to contact if there are any problems with the property and what to do in an emergency both in and out of office hours.
Tenancy Agreement
A copy of the original agreement signed by the landlord must be supplied to the tenant and a copy of the original agreement signed by the tenant should be given to the landlord.
If you have setup your tenancy through Mudhut, the tenancy agreement should be available to both the tenant and the landlord through their Mudhut accounts.
Gas Safety Record and EPC
Each tenant should be given a copy of the gas safety record for safekeeping. An EPC must be given to the tenant free of charge before the tenancy starts.
Standing Order Mandate
The standing order mandate for the rent should include the bank details of the landlord, the amount to be paid, the start date and frequency of payment. It should be addressed to the tenant’s bank. Either the tenant or the agent may take responsibility for forwarding the mandate to the bank, depending on the terms and conditions of the business.
At the start of a tenancy, the landlord should remind themselves of their statutory obligations relating to gas, electric and fire safety.
Utilities (Gas, Electric, Broadband Water/ Sewage Supplies)
The landlord should inform utility providers of a change of occupant although it may be that the tenancy agreement requires the tenant to do so. It is good practice to take meter readings (often captured by photograph) with the incoming tenant and these should be provided to the relevant utility provider.
The landlord should write to the local council tax department updating them of the new tenancy.
The outgoing occupants name and forwarding address should be provided where necessary and where they have given authority for their new address to be shared.